Installation FAQ

FAQ Why I can't make AutoCount Accounting to use the Microsoft SQL Express I downloaded from Microsoft web site?
FAQ Why my server name is mostly specified as \A2006, why it is not ?
FAQ During create new account book or attach account book, why I can't find my server name appears in the Get Available Server list?
FAQ I had selected server but there is no data available when I click on Get Available Database while attaching account book.
FAQ I had selected server but I get "Error while connecting to SQL Server"error message when I click on Get Available Database to attach account book.
FAQ How to attach an account book?
FAQ How to restore without backup after I had formatted my PC?
FAQ Can I transfer my master data such as customer, supplier, and item data from UBS to AutoCount Accounting?
FAQ What are the differences between Product ID and Account Book Registration Code?
FAQ How to install AutoCount Accounting in network environment?
FAQ When I install AutoCount Accounting, why do I get an error message similar to this message: Error 1935. An error occurred during the instllation of assembly "DevExpress. XtraRichText Edit.v7.1, Version="", PublicKeyToken="79868b8147b5eae4", culture-'neutral," HRESULT=0x8002802 ?

General FAQ

FAQ What is a document?
FAQ How to cancel a document?
FAQ How to ensure that different users access to different grid layout?
FAQ I had created new invoice. When I wanted to edit it, a dialog box pop up indicated that "Access right denied" What should I do?
FAQ How do I grant access rights to a user?
FAQ How to set document numbering?
FAQ I had set Official Receipt and Payment Voucher numbering for different bank but the numbering format did not show when I received payment or make new payment.
FAQ How to lock accounting period in AutoCount Accounting?
FAQ How to set decimal?

Pre-Sales FAQ

FAQ What can AutoCount Accounting do for us?
FAQ What make AutoCount Accounting different from other accounting software?
FAQ Can AutoCount Accounting run in Window Vista?
FAQ What kind of database is AutoCount Accounting use?
FAQ Do I need to buy license of Microsoft SQL Server?
FAQ How long it takes to complete AutoCount Accounting training?